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Undersink For Renters !

Removable Undersink Water Filter

Water Testing Meters

Water Testing Meters

01) Undersink Water Filters

Undersink Water filters

02) Benchtop Water Filters

Benchtop Water filters

04) Aquarium DI Reverse Osmosis

Aquarium DI/Reverse Osmosis

04a) Beer Brewing Water Filter

Beer Brewing Water filter

04b) Caravan & RV Water Filters

All Caravan & RV Water Filters

05) Fridge Water Filters

Fridge Water Filters

07) Water Filter Cartridges

Water Filter Cartridges

09) Fluoride Removal Water Filte


10) River/Dam Water

River / Dam Water Filters

10a) Distillers


11) Bore Water Filter Solutions

Bore Water Filter Solutions

11A) Iron Reduction Water Filter

Iron Reduction Water Filter

11B) Water Softners

Water Softener Automatic

13) Water Coolers/ Boilers


All Coolers

16) Shower Water Filters

Shower Water Filters

17) Minraliser/Anti-Oxidant/Alka

PI Bio Alkaliser

18) UV Sterilizers

Ultra Violet Light Systems

19) Scale Removal

Scale Removal

20) Camping & Leisure Water Filters

Camping & Leisure Water Filters

21) Coffee Machine Inline Filters

Coffee Machine Inline Filters

22) Ionizers/Alkaline Water


Water Filters | Sydney

Water Filters SydneySydney's drinking water comes from so many different sources, yet the quality and purity is reliably high. In fact, many authorities including Sydney Water regularly publish their test results. However, many Sydneysiders enjoy the taste of bottled water and the feeling of knowing that tiny traces of minerals aren't building up in their system. Purer water doesn't just taste noticeably different, it can also improve a range of health related symptoms including skin sensitivity. Test the difference for yourself - select a bottle of filtered (not spring) water from the supermarket, bring it home, have a taste and then compare it to a small taste of tap water.

If you're interested in having clearer and purer water, there is an easy (and budget friendly) way. Just explore the range of systems available online here at Water Filter World! We've got one of the country's biggest ranges, all available for shipping to your door. Whether you're looking for a special fitment for your fridge (there's nothing quite like purified and chilled water on tap on a hot summer day!) or a whole house system so you can control everything from your drinking and cooking water through to your showers, we've got you covered. With several years’ experience in filtration technologies, we can easily match your current and future water needs with a suitable system.

Start browsing via the menu to the left. If you have questions or would like assistance with ordering your water filters, please call 1800 217 726. Alternatively, you can contact us online and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

For new clients we recommend purchasing a Reverse Osmosis filter and Alkaliser and we offer a super special package that includes the quick-change reverse osmosis filter with a PI alkaliser and includes free Delivery Australia Wide!

Click here to see our super special package Reverse Osmosis filter and Alkaliser

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How-to Information
*What you need to know before buying a water filter
*Reverse Osmosis Installation
*Whole House water filter Installations
*How to change water filter Cartridges
*Fridge water Filters
*How to install a water filter benchtop
*How to install water filter caravan
*Flickmixer Installation for a water filter
*Shower Filter Installation
*Water Filter Cleaning & Maintenance
*Learn About Water
John Guest Fittings - How they work
Fluorideator-Mini Installation
*Learn About UV Filtration
*What Is PH?
How To Repressurise Reverse Osmosis Tank
*What Are Total Dissolved Solids? (TDS)
*What Is Hardness?
*Refund Policy
*Delivery/Shipping Cost
*Data & Privacy Policy
*Security Information
01.Budget Fridge Filter Low Use
04.Shower Filter
05.techno high grade
06.1 Micron
07.Techno Sediment
09.0.5 Micron
10.5 Micron 20"
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Intermediate R/O Commercial
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